(Funny but befitting Court Rules) An American judge has come up with a fitting punishment for domestic abusers
'This is the face of domestic abuse' outside the courthouse from 8.30am to 12.30pm for seven consecutive days, in addition to a three day jail sentence. Unsurprisingly, he's not finding it fun, he said:
'This is belittling. I was born and raised here, everybody knows me.'He said he didn't assault anyone but pleaded guilty to avoid jail but would rather go to jail than suffer the humiliation of this unusual punishment.
Lawrence McSwain, a retired Judge unconnected with the case said:
'The idea is that if we shame you, and you feel embarrassed, then maybe you won't do this again.
'A judge has a lot of power to create unusual sentencing because the statue says that a judge may impose any other condition that reasonably relates to the crime and the purpose of which punishment is imposed.'